Sunday, 19 January 2025

AAA Cards Challenge #282: Follow my lead (Marlies' Lead)

 Hello, this fortnight we have a fun new kind of challenge where one of our Design Team members made a card you should try to emulate, copy or build on, basically it's a sketch kind of thing. They also call it CASE my card, but I thought Follow my lead was much more intuitive...I hope ;-)

Marlies made the first card to follow and I did, but flipped the design so the reindeer pointed inwards and not to the edge of the card, it looks better in my opinion.

I also paired down the amount of layers and elements to make it more me, I did a gold detail instead of red and added a Merry Christmas January, I know I know.

I diecut many more pieces but didn't use them, they were there in case I need them.

The Reindeer is from Newton's Nook and I have no idea how old it is (Splendid Stags).

The Holly is from Avec Love 2 Craft (sold at Action) also old, in fact everything is or has bee in my stash for a while.

the little bauble/ornament was a gift with an order at La Coppia Creativa.

The snowflake is from Precious Marieke (PM10143 Winter Flowers)

The gold cardstock is from Studio Light A5 pack.

The sentiment I printed with my laser printer and then foiled in gold with my laminator/Minc machine.

I adhered the elements to the card with liquid glue and the stag with foamtape.

I look forward to how you interpret Marlies' card, please enter your creation here.

#AAAcards #AAACardchallenge #CASChallenge #CASCard #Blogchallenge

#SuperCASchallenge   #Handmadecard  #Cardmakers  #Designteam #Blogspotchallenge 

#inkblending   #guestdesigner #challengewinner  #StudioLight #NewtonsNook #PreciousMarieke #LaCoppiaCreative #AvecCreative #love2craft 


1 comment:

  1. Love your take on Marlies' card. I love that you opted for gold rather than red.

    sue n.
