Wednesday 15 May 2024

AAA Colourful Challenge #4

 Hello this month we have lots of tule, colourful tuke in our game badge. I thought Ballerina at first, but then chose to use the colours on the background as clouds, then repeated in the unicorn as accents.

For the clouds is a stencil from Marianne Design (PS8024) and I've used Distress inks on it a sI saw them in the game badge: Shaded Lilac, Saltwater Taffy, Tumbled Glass and Squeezed Lemonade. #SSS20YearsOfDistress

The Unicorn is also Marianne Design (EC0180) and I stamped it with Versafine on watercolor paper and used the Distress inks as watercolors, adding a brick beige Zig watercolor  marker for the body.

White gel pen in the eye for shimmer.

Sentiment is from Clearly Besotted (Tiny Type) and I stamped it with Versafine Morning Mist.

Mounted the Unicorn with foamtape and adhered it to the cardbase.

If you would like to play along, enter your card here.


  1. Fabulous take on the colourboard, Maaike! You've really captured the feel and flow of the tulle in your clouds. I love it! xx
