Sunday 26 May 2024

AAA Cards Challenge #266: Sketch Challenge


Hello, it's sketch fortnight again.

As I made this sketch, I can honestly say it doesn't make things easier, at all.

In fact I made 4 card for this challenge and I shall talk about  just two of them ;-), the others I don't like at all, but i've included them in  this post.

For my Cards I've used Distress inks Picked Raspberry, Mustard Seed and Carved Pumpkin)

I made a stencil from Pronty Stencil Sheets and Star Shaped Dies (Nellie Snellen  SD003 and MFD050 and started to inkblend them on the cardbase.

For the Balloons I"ve used the Carlijn Design Stencil Balloons  and for the smallest I've used the stamp in the Simon Says Stamp  Birthday Balloons, and oldie but goodie. I also applied the Mustard Seed with my inkblending brush instead of inkpad to stamp, so I would get the same gradient.

Sentiment is from the same set and I stamped it with Versafine black ink.

I might go back later and add some black splatter, just for a bit of contrast, I think it would looks nicer, but as a Clean and Simple Challenge, I feel it doesn't need it.

To play along the AAA Cards Challenge, see this.


#AAAcards #AAACardchallenge #CASChallenge #CASCard #Blogchallenge

#SuperCASchallenge   #Handmadecard  #Cardmakers  #Designteam #Blogspotchallenge 

#inkblending #SSS20YearsOfDistress   #guestdesigner #challengewinner  


  1. wow all 4 look fab, I struggle to make one and you make FOUR. Love how bright and cheery they all look.
