I made it with the Martha Stewart Scoringboard and a mock up giftcard. It's actually a membership card to a shop that no longer lives in my town and you need to be a company which I'm not anymore either, so I use it for scoring projects when I need a shim ;-)

Score on the short side (51/4) at: 3/8 and 4"7/8/
Score on the long side at"3/8, 3", 3"3/8 and 6"
Burnish all the score lines, it's harder with tough/thick card and small tabs, bit more fiddly but still OK.
Cut and notch all the little squares on each side then put glue on one and start building
up the bottom.
Before wrapping the lid around the bottom and a thumb notch if desired.
the wrap the lid around the bottom and glue the tabs as well. this way if will fit.
I stuck my "giftcard"down with washi tape, but a gluedot or taperunner will do as well.
I measure my Pickwick and built the box around them, My Lipton bags p.e. were a bit taller, but you can fold them over or stick them the other way. I appreciate there's many more brands, but these are the ones I use. Single wrapped cookie will probably also fit
The finished box is 4.5 inches long, .3/8"tall
and 2"5/8 wide in case you'd like to put something else in, like confetti instead of tea, a cookie.
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